Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This is a drawing of all the minor or major chords being played in order from the start of an octave . Drawn out the chords intersect each other to form a perfect 12 pointed shape. The chords have their own unique symbols and also unique patterns for drawing out the symbol.

 sunkingz said
          Each symbol for the songs is a geometrical representation of a song being played, based off the chords used, our attempt to put this all together, the symbol for the song green eyed became from what we can gather,the furthest and most accurate representation of what we could find based on a song, 8 octaves in a circle, and simply the lines of the song and where they are at in the octave, connected. not including drums, or rhythm, only the note played into the instruments. These drawing were made after reading a lot of things about Pythagoras, free masonry, sacred geometry and other new age and mystical type things. It also revealed a slight recognition in the significance in numbers and how they are used, and how they have been used over time.
sunkingz said...
This blog was made by the sunkingz music group in phoenix, az. An explanation of this blog. Each chord in music has its own unique geometrical symbol when u take 12 points in wrap them around a circle. Each of the 12 points represents a note in an octave of music. When u connect the first three notes in the circle staring with any note, and do the same with each of the 11 other notes, u will get a geometrical design as seen on this blog. Something interesting is how when creating these is that sometimes the lines overlap each other in the drawing sequence, other images a line never traces over another, other interesting properties as well were seen when drawing them out. Again just reemphasizing as Pythagoras did on how music is naturally and symmetrically proportional, sustaining a sort of mathematical beauty and harmony.